Friday, July 9, 2010


Tranistion from the old NASSA to the all new SWIMSAFER syllabus is in its final stages. Officiated by the minister on 3 July 2010 at the Geylang East Swimming Complex, the new SWIMSAFER proves to favour stroke efficient swimmers than eudurance swimmers. Although the better for swimmers who excel in both efficiency and endurance. SWIMSAFER endurance distances are dramatically reduced, competitve backstroke injected into the syllabus and a hint of Fun provided into the whole to encourage participation for the little ones.

One of the most significant change to this survival test is the making of floating aid with the pyjamas. NASSA tests are a big amusement when viewed by foreigners with the participants jumping into the water wearing PYJAMAS! SWIMSAFER has retained the use of clothing but excluded the making of a float. Instead, the introduction of the PFD (Personal Floatation Device) made its way into local swimming scene. PFDs are generally lifejackets found on airplanes and cruise ships.

Whichever the wave rows, swimming instructors who are willing to accept change will continue to survive.